Click the FACTS logo above to access the Family Portal.

Click the FACTS logo above to access the Family Portal.

FACTS Family Portal

Mary Immaculate Catholic School utilizes the FACTS student information system as a single point tool to maintain family and student information, class information, student grades, etc. In addition, this system allows us to email Progress Reports and Report Cards directly to the Parents and Guardians of our students.

For Family communication, we use FACTS Family Portal – a private and secure parents’ portal that will allow parents to see academic information specific to their children, while protecting their children’s information from others. All you need is an Internet-capable computer to view information such as attendance, grades, homework, lesson plans, progress reports, missing assignments, family directories, etc.

Family Portal Account

Family Portal is a private and secure portal that will allow parents to view academic information specific to their children, while protecting their children’s information from others. You can see your child’s grades, attendance, homework and conduct, as well as other useful school information. To create your family’s account:

  1. You must have an email that’s registered with the school. This is typically the email used when you registered.

  2. Go to

  3. Our District Code is: MI-TX

  4. Click Create New Family Portal Account.

  5. Type your email address and select Create Account. A verification email will be sent to you. Your email address must match the email that is registered with the school from registration.

  6. If you do not receive an email from RenWeb within the hour, please contact [email protected]. Include Parent Name and valid Email address.

Access Family Portal

You must have already created an account to access information within the portal. To access the portal and look up information about a student:

  1. Go to

  2. Login (our District Code is MI-TX)

  3. On the left, select “Student Information”

  4. Select the student name at the top of the student summary area

  5. Click on the grade next to a subject name for detailed information.

Update Family Portal Information

Family Portal gives you the ability to update your family information, such as email, phone, address, as they change. This is done using the Family Demographic Forms.

  1. Log into your Family Portal account.

  2. On the left side of the page, select “Family Information.”

  3. In the center of the page, you’ll see an “Online Filing Cabinet” section. Select “Family Demographic Form.”

  4. Select the type of information you need to modify such as Custodial Parent Form.

  5. Select “Save” at the bottom of the form to store your modified information.