Athletic Director

Mr. Mark Zeske

[email protected]


Mary Immaculate Catholic School offers qualified MIS students opportunities to participate in athletic programs through the Dallas Parochial League (DPL). These athletic programs increase personal enthusiasm and confidence, teach the concepts of sportsmanship and group interaction, and provide a setting in which each student may seek to improve his or her athletic abilities. Click icons or blue text to be linked to information.

Sports Offered

At Mary Immaculate, sports are available for 5th-8th grade students throughout the year. Click here for K-4 athletic opportunities.


Most teams will need volunteer coaches. Coaches must be Safe Environment Program (SEP) and Play Like a Champion cleared. Two adults are required at each practice and game. If you would like to serve as coach or assistant coach, contact the Athletic Director.


MIS uses Doodlio for sports registration and communication. To register:

  • Go to on a desktop or laptop.

  • Use the email you have on record with RenWeb.

  • On the left, under “Mary Immaculate,” click on “teams.”

  • Select the sport you want.

  • Complete the form, print and send with payment to the Athletics Department.


MIS uses Doodlio to manage all sports teams and to communicate to and within teams. Parents are encouraged to download the doodlio app for alerts and messages.

Dallas Parochial League

MIS is a participating member of the Dallas Parochial League (DPL). The DPL sets policy and acts as an overall coordinator of league schools. This site provides schedules, win/loss records, alerts, and more.


For your child(ren) to participate in athletics, the following must be completed and physically received by MIS Athletics prior to the first day of school. Forms required:

  1. Physical. Parents complete page 1 and a physician (your pediatrician or a local minute clinic) must complete pages 2-3. Pages 2-3 must be dated after June 1.

  2. DPL Athletics Medical Release Form. This must be completed by a parent and notarized.

  3. Specific Sport Permission Forms. These forms will be available on doodlio.

Athletic Program and News

Schedules and scores are available on the Diocesan Parochial League (DPL) website. Please contact the Communications Director to share photos, stories and more.


Fees are used to cover the cost of uniforms, equipment, DPL fees, practice space, etc. Once payment is received, students will receive their uniforms. Fees are non-refundable.

Practices, Games and Tournaments

Dates and times for practices, games and tournaments are unique for each sport. Practices will be set by the coaches and communicated through Doodlio. Games and tournaments are determined by the Dallas Parochial League (DPL).

Study Hall 

Study Hall is available for students who need to remain at school while waiting for practice, provided practice begins between 4-6 pm. Click the header for information. For more information, contact EDP Director Cecilia Burgin.


Once fees are paid, MIS will provide uniforms / jerseys to students.